Let’s talk about health…

I’m trying my hand at cartoon strips! I was thinking recently about how I know things could shift for people if they sat for a day/ week/ month in my job. If they sat and listened to the body stories that I hold, over years of practice, where the harm is NOT about the size or shape of someone’s body (if it existed in a vacuum), that the harm is NOT about the food choices people are making, that where the harm really lies is in how, as a society, we treat people in larger bodies, the weaponizing of the word “fat”, and how we talk about food and body control in terms of moral imperative and personal responsibility.

So, I designed the public health message flavor I would love to see more of, as this is the kind of public health messaging that will focus it’s lens on the actual problem, not the distraction that keeps people hustling away from their own deep healing.


Permission to be a human in this work…


When people ask me about what I do…