Put an egg on it!

I didn’t learn to cook until I was in my mid 20s. I remember always feeling intimidated in the kitchen, where my friends seemed so natural and confident I felt overwhelmed, not confident, and clueless. And I have long been in the food world, starting with a decade in food service management, my time farming, and later assisting and teaching in kitchens. My cooking really took off, alongside my confidence, when I was working and living at Rosehip Farm. In my eating disorder recovery I needed to do a lot of unlearning and relearning in many areas and cooking was one of them. 

I feel proud of where I’ve come in the kitchen, and it has been a process! I hope to share more of this creative expression here. Without disordered ideas about food and bodies, without linear process and perfectionism, and honoring individuality and context. Cooking, if accessible, can be a beautiful form of embodiment, connection, and a labour of love.

Darin Gagner is the chef who was one of my many teachers, taught me about confidence and the egg flip- and whose food creations naturally taught me about the power of food that demands presence because it is so damn good.

This egg went on waffles with syrup, no butter cause I’m out ! 😱


PB&J to the rescue!


Behind the scenes as a provider